1235. The Power of In Person Connection for Your Business

The success we’ve been able to achieve in every single one of our businesses points back to this one thing. There isn’t a time we’ve gathered with other high-achieving entrepreneurs that hasn’t helped us massively grow in business and our personal life. With the current group of high-achieving women I’m in a mastermind with, I can shoot a text and instantly have support from women I admire that I wouldn’t have if it weren’t for connecting and going deeper with them in person. What would it mean to you to have a tribe that is invested in your success?



Apply to for the Elite Mastermind – chrisharder.me/mastermind

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Text DAILY to 310-496-8363 for daily manifesting affirmations, journal prompts, and motivation.

Sign up for GrowthDay – https://www.growthday.com/lori?via=harder

Watch on YouTube – @LoriHarder

My book: A Tribe Called Bliss


Follow me: @loriharder

Follow Earn Your Happy: @earnyourhappy

Follow glōci : @getgloci

Follow Girlfriends & Business: @girlfriendsandbusiness



Follow Chris: @chriswharder

Visit Chris’ Website: https://chrisharder.me 

Listen to The Chris Harder Show 

Learn more about frello, my peer-to-peer lending app: frelloapp.com 

Follow frello: @frello_app