Do you feel supported by family, friends, co-workers etc.? If not, we must realize that this support will not magically appear on its own. In order to receive this support, we must first support ourselves โ€“ unconditionally.

There was a stretch of time when I felt that I didnโ€™t have any true friends… I didnโ€™t want to drink, party all night only to feel like crap the next day, but all my friends at the time did. I wanted to be healthy and fit, but my friends chose Thirsty Thursday over healthier options. Of course, thinking I had NO other options, I followed along and my dreams continued to take the backseat.

But hereโ€™s the thing, it wasnโ€™t their fault. It was me who wasnโ€™t willing to put myself first. I wasnโ€™t willing to let go of those short-term pleasures. I wasnโ€™t ready to support myself and get out of my own way. It was time to step into my fear and CHOOSE to become the person I truly wanted to be.

So I chose to start supporting myself. I had to find things, even if it meant on my own, that would help me reach my goals and practice saying no to the things that wouldnโ€™t. For me, the most pressing need when I started this journey was my health. I gradually started making the choice to not go out and drink myself into oblivion. And it wasnโ€™t until I did that, that I could start pursuing my fitness goals/career.

Whatโ€™s your most pressing need right now? What would make you feel BETTER? To get more rest, to eat better, exercise more or change your circle of friends? Full honestyโ€ฆ It isnโ€™t easy.

โ€œBut if you donโ€™t start choosing to support yourself, you have to get comfortable with the idea that youโ€™re never going to change.โ€

You must ask yourself if youโ€™re OK waking up in five years and being in the same place. If nothing changes, nothing changes. Itโ€™s scary, but youโ€™re the only one who can do it.

โ€œYou can either choose complete suppression or face your fear.โ€

Face that fear TODAY! What are some ways you can support yourself RIGHT now? Is it time-blocking your calendar to fit in 20 minutes of exercise? Is it scheduling dance or music lessons? Is it reaching out to someone to be your mentor? It doesnโ€™t matter how big or small your acts are as long as youโ€™re ACTING.

Failure is a given, but if we choose to focus on the blessing rather than each individual failure weโ€™ll fail faster into better success.

In This Episode You Will Hear About:

  • Supporting yourself to feel better
  • Facing your fears
  • Spirit Junkie Masterclass


Follow me on social media @LoriHarder on Instagram and Lori Harder on Facebook.

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