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Episode 154: Be A Gossip KILLER

Getting 100% real with you today as I discovered that I was the recent object of someone’s gossip. Doesn’t the word alone just give you an icky feeling? Ugh, me too. And it made me want to gossip right back (which would have made me feel worse), but I didn’t.

It’s our first reaction when someone says something bad about ourselves or someone else, but it never leads to anything productive. So instead, I talked it over with my husband. Because I knew I was in a safe zone to express my feelings and talk things through, I was able to determine that I didn’t need to worry about what this person chose to say about me. I was able to let it go.

Now, this isn’t always the case, but because I’m not close with this person I knew there was nothing I could do that would change anything about the situation. And perhaps they didn’t even mean what they said in a bad way.

If, however, this was a close relationship I would have more than likely confronted this person if I wanted the relationship to remain intact.

“Gossip blocks your blessings.”

Words carry so much energy – both positive and negative – so don’t spend those precious words tearing someone else apart when you likely don’t know the full story.

“Words are either life-giving or death-giving.”

If you’re around gossip, “be the person who gossip dies with.” And if you find yourself around those who tend to gossip, realize it’s only a matter of time before you’re the subject of his or her talks. It’s up to YOU to take the high road.

“Be a gossip killer.”

Be the person who expresses their feelings and talks things out instead of building a wall or speaking untruths about others. Be the person who others can talk to and know that your words are safe with them.

Follow me on social media @LoriHarder on Instagram and Lori Harder on Facebook.