1111. Your Business Is Only As Healthy As You Are With Robin Long

Trust me – you will never reach your highest level of success without unapologetic self-love and consistent healthy habits. That’s why I’m thrilled to share my chat with Robin Long, an unstoppable advocate for wellness. Robin found self-love in Pilates, and now she shares her expertise with thousands of women around the world through her global wellness platform, Lindywell. Her new book, Well to the Core, is a must-read for anyone ready to kickstart or reignite their relationship with their body!

In our conversation, Robin offers all of her tips for balancing fitness, life, and career goals with self-compassion. She shares practical tools for embodying mental and emotional well-being and mindset shifts to establish healthy relationships with food, body image, and wellness. Robin graciously reminds you that you can pursue your dreams and unlock your fullest potential all while being kind to yourself!



Follow Robin: @robinmarielong

Follow Lindywell: @wearelindywell



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Follow Earn Your Happy: @earnyourhappy

Follow Girlfriends & Business: @girlfriendsandbusiness



(0:35) Welcome back to another episode of Earn Your Happy. 

(4:47) Lori asks Robin, “How did you start your company, where did it come from, and why are you so passionate about it?” 

(9:40) Lori asks Robin, “Why was Pilates counterintuitive for you?” 

(13:35) Lori asks Robin, “What does like life nourishment mean to you?” 

(20:13) Lori asks Robin, “How were you able to build your community and get your message out to people?” 

(22:01) Lori asks Robin, “Are you forever healed?” 

(25:49) Lori asks Robin, “Were you thinking of your girls as you were writing this book?” 

(30:58) Lori asks Robin, “How did you start hearing that intuitive voice?” 

(36:22) Lori asks Robin,  “How can you start these new habits or get consistent without having something that is going to drain you or make you quit?” 

(43:06) Robin shares a couple of key takeaways from her book.