Jennifer Cohen is the perfect example of how being bold pays off in every aspect of your life, even if it’s not how you expected it to. She’s a best-selling author, brand strategist, and educator with a specific focus on building healthy habits to drive positive behavioral change. In her latest book, Bigger, Better, Bolder, Jennifer guides readers on how to overcome self-doubt and reach their potential in a bold way.
Both Jennifer and I have gotten really comfortable with rejection and failure, which isn’t something that entrepreneurs are often open about. We talk about some of the really bold moves that didn’t end up how we imagined, but majorly impacted our journeys in a positive way. Jennifer also gives us her top tips for building up boldness as a habit and rewiring your inner-dialogue.
Follow Jennifer: @therealjencohen
Learn more about Jennifer:
Get your copy of Jennifer’s book: Bigger, Better, Bolder: Live the Life You Want, Not the Life You Get
Listen to Habits and Hustle
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(0:26) Welcome back to Earn Your Happy. Today, Lori is joined by Jennifer Cohen.
(3:06) Lori asks Jennifer, “There are multiple reasons and multiple things going on in your life that have to do with this book and why it comes out. So what was that for you?”
(5:29) Lori asks Jennifer, “What were some of the big bold moves that you did that you're like, holy shit that moved the needle?”
(11:16) Lori asks Jennifer, “What do you say to yourself when the ‘no' happens?”
(15:14) Lori asks Jennifer, “What do we do to not spiral out and look like a freak show if you get either a bad response or no response?”
(22:44) Lori asks Jennifer, “Have you ever had any other moments like that, where you were like, Oh, my God, this is not happening, so I'm just gonna go create it myself or go figure it out?”
(27:00) Lori asks Jennifer, “You talk about something called the bold types, which I'm so curious about. I want to hear about it.”
(29:31) Lori asks Jennifer, “How frequently do you feel like we need to practice being bold?”
(35:09) Lori asks Jennifer, “I would love to know about the bold standard, and then be bold, not smart. So tell me about those things.”
(38:26) Lori asks Jennifer, “If we wanted to get really bold, what does that look like?”
(45:15) Lori asks Jennifer, “Where can we get your book?”
(45:53) Lori asks Jennifer, “Any last thing that you want to share with us?”