979. Discovering Your Practice with Seth Godin

Entrepreneur, best-selling author, and speaker Seth Godin joins me on this episode to share his thoughts on topics like focus, consistency, and self-exploration. We touch on his latest project, The Carbon Almanac, and why he chose to add to the climate change conversation through that modality. 

Seth shares his unique perspective on mentorship and heroes, and leaves us with a reading list of books by authors that he admires. Seth also shares his advice for anyone who is feeling really vulnerable and on the verge of putting themselves out there in a big way.


Read Seth’s Blog: seths.blog 

Get your copy of Seth’s latest books: This Is Marketing and The Practice


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(0:52) Welcome back to Earn Your Happy. Today, Lori is joined by Seth Godin. 

(4:54) Lori asks Seth, “What do you do for all of your input to have all of that content in your brain?”

(6:09) Lori asks Seth, “I read that you don't think that people have writer's block, or creators block? What do you think that is then?

(7:30) Lori asks Seth, “I kind of want to know what that practice looks like for you. Is it always in the same spot?” 

(8:43) Lori asks Seth, “When you write, are there moments where you're like, Oh, that's really good. And then do you get that response from other people? And has it been like vice versa?” 

(10:30) Lori asks Seth, “What would you feel like right now, if you were never able to create again, like if someone said, you cannot write another word?”

(11:30) Lori asks Seth, “Do you think that staying in one thing is a good thing for people?”

(13:29) Lori asks Seth, “Have you always felt like you had something to say on everything?”

(15:09) Lori asks Seth, “Do you have a suggestion for people trying to figure out what their lens is?”

(16:30) Lori asks Seth, “If I were to be a fly on the wall when you're talking to your friends, or your wife or your dog, what would be some of those conversations that you would be having?”

(17:56) Lori asks Seth, “What is something you're trying to change right now?”

(18:52) Lori asks Seth, “How are you thinking about trying to repackage climate change, or get it out into the world or make it more interesting to people?”

(20:09) Lori shouts out the sponsor of today’s episode, Ouai. 

(22:29) Lori asks Seth, “When you were making a plan for marketing this, did it feel different than the other plans that you've made?”

(23:24) Lori asks Seth, “Right before this, what was your main interest? What was your main focus?” 

(25:19) Lori asks Seth, “Who is an author or a mentor for you that you really love the way that they think and the way that they write?”

(29:08) Lori asks Seth, “When you're faced with resistance. Is there anything you do?”

(31:08) Lori asks Seth, “Have you ever taken something and implemented it and been like, oh, that worked for me. I'm glad I learned about it?”

(35:40) Lori asks Seth, “Is there anything that you would say to someone who right now is really at the verge of putting themselves out there a lot?” 

(37:59) Lori asks Seth, “Do you hypnotize your friends at parties?”