Episode 115: Get Out From Under The GRIP of Your NEGATIVE STORIES

Coming back from last weekends 3-days of bliss, I wanted to share one of the most important topics I touched on at the event… “Getting rid of the negative story about yourself.”

If you truly observe and listen to those around you, especially your tribe, you’ll come to know that SO many of us share that same struggle or “story.”

“When you become vulnerable enough to tell this story to others and let your walls down, something beautiful is going to happen!”

Releasing these stories will take a weight off your shoulders like you’ll never believe. You’ll begin to grow and elevate in ways you didn’t even know were possible and who knows who you may influence around you while you do it…it’s a win/win situation.

It is time to recognize the difference between stories you may have adopted from the people around you and the stories that you, yourself truly believe in.

You can ALWAYS choose again.

Follow me on social media @LoriHarder on Instagram and Lori Harder on Facebook.