Episode 148: What Are You Relying On To Be HAPPY?

Are you happy right NOW in this moment? Or do you have certain contingencies that it hinges on? Are you waiting or relying on someone or something to make you happy? Whether it’s a spouse, best friend, job or goal are you depending on something other than yourself to FINALLY bring you happiness? Here’s where that gets a little tricky…

“Happiness is a choice in each moment.”

We must understand that the “thing” you’re waiting on is NOT going to make you any happier in the long term than you are right now in this moment. And that’s why happiness can be a little sticky at times. If you are relying on anyone other than yourself, your happiness level will average out to be where you are now until you decide to be happy all the time.

OK, I’m realistic. I don’t expect you to be happy ALL the time. If something bad happens, feel those feelings, but don’t let them hang around too long. Often it’s as simple as waking up and CHOOSING the mood you’re going to be in. It’s all about adjusting your “default mood.” Sure, there may be some things in your life right now that plain suck. But you know what? That doesn’t mean YOUR LIFE sucks!

“Start becoming really grateful and experiencing deep gratitude for all the little things.”

If you’re looking for the good, you’ll find it. The same goes for the opposite. Instead of looking for what’s missing, look at what you do have. I still have times where I need to remind myself to get in the present and stop blaming others – unfortunately we blame those closest to us first (sorry, Chris!). And this is usually when my daily practices/rituals are off kilter (not meditating, not enough sleep etc.).

Most importantly, if you find that you’re relying (blaming) on someone/something to be complete, don’t judge yourself too harshly. Recognize it and forgive quickly – you’re human!

So what is it that YOU desire? What could you shift your thoughts to right now and get really grateful for? I promise that when you can step into gratitude and learn lessons along the way, the happiness will follow (and so many other great things).

“Your happiness is what attracts amazing people and things.”

In This Episode You Will Hear About:

  • Why happiness is a choice
  • The importance of daily rituals/practices
  • The Law of attraction
  • Tribe


Follow me on social media @LoriHarder on Instagram and Lori Harder on Facebook.

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/loriharder/148_What_Are_You_Relying_On_To_Be_Happy.mp3″]

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