Episode 25: Breaking FOOD and LIFE EXTREMES with JORDAN YOUNGER

Jordan Younger is the blogger behind the #realness-based wellness and lifestyle blog The Balanced Blonde. She is also the creator of the health-inspired conscious clothing line TBV Apparel, and author of the memoir Breaking Vegan. When she isn’t caught up in writer-blogger-land, you can find Jordan on the yoga mat, snuggling with her kitten, sipping on green smoothies in Venice, laughing way too hard at her own jokes, and training for marathons because she is crazy.

Jordan Younger HeadshotJordanโ€™s Instagram, the Blonde Vegan, was created with the hopes of spreading her healthy lifestyle to her followers. After watching the numbers grow on all accounts, she realized that sharing this bit of her life could be more than a hobby, an entrepreneurial opportunity. The Blonde Vegan Blog was then born, where full recipes and lifestyle stories were shared. Letting people glimpse into her life, is what made Jordan happy.

Eventually switching from Vegan for personal reasons, Jordan then rebranded herself from The Blonde Vegan, to The Balanced Blonde.

Not fitting into the stereotypical eating disorder Jordan still knew there was something โ€œdisorderlyโ€ to her eating and was on a mission to pin point it. Being diagnosed with Orthorexia, not as commonly known as the other types, she began to realize she was obsessed with eating clean foods from the earth and developed a fear/avoidance of foods that did not fall into this category.

Overcoming this realization and re-educating herself on adding other types of food back into her daily life are now the exact lessons that Jordan enjoys teaching on.

โ€œAll of our bodies have the knowledge and the keys to how we are feeling and what we need, but we need to tap into that.โ€

Learning to listen to our bodies is the most beneficial thing we can do for ourselves. The second most beneficial thing you can do for yourself, is to listen in for the tips and buzz of our very own Balanced Blonde, Jordan Younger, for an all around healthy being.

Her motivation and self-love inspiration is overwhelming and I am honored to share it with you all!

In This Episode You Will Learn:

  • How to have a balanced diet and lifestyle
  • What is Vegan
  • What is Orthorexia
  • Overcoming diagnosis and food fears
  • Authenticity


Did I forget to mention that Jordan is a SnapChat addict?! Follow @jojoyounger for pure entertainment or find her on Instagram @thebalancedblonde_.


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