Robyn Baldwin is an Alpha Female and a Work / Life Harmony Strategist. She is a full-time Marketing Manager, a fitness/lifestyle blogger at, a former CFL cheerleader and fitness competitor, a published fitness model, a freelance writer, a future best selling author, a brand ambassador, a sponsored athlete and a podcaster.
With a passion for fitness, Robyn loves running, weight lifting, has taught spin and coached beginner runners. She’s also a yogi and has been practicing for over 10 years. She now spends the majority of her spare time training for obstacle course racing. She also calls herself an MS Warrior after being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in December of 2014.
What is an “Alpha Female” you ask? Well, you're about to find out, from the fascinating powerhouse herself. Being an alpha female is a beautiful thing. It gives you the extra title of being strong and majestic and while it can be intimidating to some, it’s really quite a marvelous trait to have.
Robyn tells us some of the common female struggles she has come across, or been asked about, and shares with us tips and advice of how to overcome these struggles.
“I find there are 2 common themes. One is trying to be nicer to ourselves, learning to do less, be less of a perfectionist and truly being okay with outcomes…accepting the seasons of our lives and the second, is being nicer to ourselves, physical fitness wise.”
Sometimes just going for a long walk rather than a crazy workout at the gym, is just what the doctor ordered.
Noticing and owning your Alpha is what Robyn instills. Grabbing the bull by the horns, with or without the permission of others around you, is what life is all about.
“I may not always be embraced, but I would rather be respected than always completely loved.”
We are all a mixture of masculine and feminine energy, some more than others. Reeling in the nurturing and caring side of an Alpha female isn't always the easiest, but it can potentially create an absolute unstoppable woman.
“I’m always testing my limits, I’ve skydived, bungee jumped and I am constantly partaking in obstacle course runs, but simply asking the person next to me on the airplane, how their weekend was, is totally outside of my comfort zone.”
Well it’s about that time ladies… Right here, right now, Robyn and I challenge you all to step outside your comfort zone and go own your Alpha.
Like Beyoncè says, “Who runs the world? GIRLS!”
In This Episode You Will Learn:
- What an Alpha female is
- How to Own that term
- Empowerment
- About putting yourself first
- How to overcoming struggles
- About nurturing, caring and helping others
Join Robyn’s FREE Challenge today at and peek into this powerhouse’s personal life on Instagram @Robynbaldwin or even on Facebook @Robynbaldwin.
Follow me on social media @LoriHarder on Instagram and Lori Harder on Facebook.
You can also see more at my website:
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