424: How to Cultivate, Master and Express your Creativity with Chase Jarvis

In second grade Chase Jarvis loved doing stand-up comedy and produced a weekly comic book strip. Then one day at the parent teacher conference he overheard his teacher telling his mom that he was so much better at sports than he was at art. Because we gravitate to where we get rewarded, he became an athlete, went to college on a soccer scholarship and made the Olympic Development Program soccer team. Then, a week before Chase graduated college, his grandfather died from a heart attack and left Chase his cameras. Chase started teaching himself how to take pictures and that led to his career as one of the most influential photographers of the past decade, the developer of the first photo app to share images to social networks and the founder of CreativeLive. Now Chase is on a mission to break down myths about what creativity is and who can practice it. He says that when we look at all the decisions we make every day – what you’re going to have for dinner, what business that you’re going to build – as creative acts, that’s when we understand that we have the agency to create our lives.


Question Highlights:

  • How did you come to think of yourself as creative?
  • How do you protect your creative time?
  • How do make space for creativity when you really need to be making money?


Guest Bio:

Chase Jarvis is an award-winning artist, entrepreneur, and one of the most influential photographers of the past decade. 

He has created campaigns for Apple, Nike, Red Bull and others, was a contributor to the Pulitzer-winning New York Times story Snowfall, and earned an Emmy nomination for his documentary Portrait of a City. He also created Best Camera–the first photo app to share images to social networks, and is the Founder of CreativeLive, where more than 10 million students learn photography, video, design, music and business from the world’s top creators and entrepreneurs.

He’s a keynote speaker, an advisor to Fortune 100 brands, and has been a guest at the Obama White House, the United Nations, the Library of Congress, 10 Downing Street, Buckingham Palace, and the DIFC in Dubai.