Time for another Q&A Day with me and Evans! Listen in as we answer questions that you have sent in, and hear our favorite quotes of the moment! In today’s “questionably awesome” episode, Evans and I dish out all sorts of relationship advice and give a shoutout to couples therapy and bathroom quickies.
Review of the Week:
“There is no question, just awesome! Lori and Evans travel with me to and from work often. So much that I feel like we get each other. I love the variety of episodes and interviews because it keeps things real and shows the dimensions of a human being vs just one side. My favorite is questionably awesome, to which there is no question about it, it just IS awesome! Thank you Lori and thank you Evans for being authentic, and courageous and goofy and giving us a spectrum of being that is so relatable and inspiring. I will continue to laugh and answer ‘heck yeah!’ to your words of wisdom on my commute to and from work and joy give a poop if the car next to me thinks I’m talking and laughing to myself. Much love.
IG @colleenclarkecoaching
Question 1:
How do you keep the spark alive with kids and a schedule with the army that leaves little couple time?
Question 2:
I just had a relationship end due to communication issues. Any tips on being open even when bringing up topics you feel shame around?