I just got back from an amazing trip to NYC. That city, I swear to you, is like the most amazing perspective shifter. It's so incredible to me how this city of millions and millions of people just thrives in the chaos. I think it’s a perfect example of how you can choose to focus on either the negative or the positive. Coming back from my trip I got a head cold so I’m not feeling great. When I’m feeling under the weather is when I start doubting myself. And I realized that at this time of building a new company, I'm going to have to take even better care of myself. So if you want to be successful, pay attention to who you're around, what you're listening to, what you're doing and what you're eating. Just remember that your foundation and what you're capable of doing will really come from how much you take care of yourself and how much you focus on trying to build willpower. I hope today’s quickie serves as a reminder or way for you to be able to get back to the heart-centered reason of WHY you’re working on your dreams.