496. More abundance now with Chris Lee

Chris Lee is a celebrity coach, he’s freaking hilarious and down to earth brilliant. We talk about how your environment impacts your life, how to find authentic coaches and workshops, and learning from your failures and breakdowns. You are going to have some massive shifts around what abundance really is.


Question Highlights:

  • How do we get into the mindset of creating an environment of abundance?
  • Was there a point in your life where things weren’t going in your favor?
  • How can people identify the right workshops and coaches?
  • How do I better stick to the decisions that I am making?
  • How do we balance setting goals that are not too small but aren’t unrealistic?


Guest Bio:

Chris Lee is a Transformational Trainer, best-selling author, and Life Coach from San Juan Puerto Rico. For 30 years, Chris has been traveling the world and has led seminars and workshops for over 1 million people teaching them the art of living abundant, extraordinary, and successful lives! Chris Lee has worked with top companies worldwide such as Dream Works, CAA, WWE, Apple, Microsoft, IBM, Dragados, Amgen, Unilever, Google, Sony, Univision, NBC, and Telemundo in addition to having been a collaborator for top Latin TV networks and radio shows. He also coaches many celebrities and business leaders, like Lewis Howes, to create unprecedented results. He has also opened and run successful seminar businesses in the US, Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Puerto Rico called Impacto Vital. He has created a workshop for Teens called Torch/Antorcha that teaches adolescents the key to happiness and success. Lee wrote Best Seller “Dile Yes a la Vida!” and “Transform Your Life: 10 Principles of Abundance and Prosperity.” You can also listen to Chris Lee on Lewis Howes' School Of Greatness podcast where Chris's 14 interviews have already gotten over 1 million downloads making him the top speaker and most frequent guest on the show.