582. You Can’t Do This Alone! Find Your People Here – with Lindsey Schwartz

Your dream may not be big enough if it only involves you. Maybe it’s time to reimagine your dreams and goals and find out how you can stay motivated through those big challenges. This year is not going the way that anyone thought it would and we’ve had to let go of some of those expectations, but chances are that this is setting us all up for something better — as long as we can see it and reach for it. So let’s talk about how you can step into who you are meant to be.


Guest Bio:

Lindsey Schwartz is an entrepreneur, top podcast host, and best-selling author. As a sought after speaker, Lindsey travels around the world inspiring women to get out of their own way and into action around their big ideas, and helping them create the careers they’ve always dreamed of.

After seeing numerous women in her life stop short of pursuing their own entrepreneurial dreams because of fear and self-doubt, she saw the need for more honest conversations about the ups & downs of entrepreneurship in order to show women that they don’t have to have it all together to get started. From there, the Powerhouse Women community, annual event, and podcast were born, with the motto that we're not meant to do business (or life) alone!