Sarah Merrill is the kind of girlfriend who you can’t wait to hang out with again because she’s just so much fun. She’s the hilarious comedy writer and creator of “BigKidProblems,” where she pokes fun at the absurdities and struggles of growing up. She shares how she went about starting her blog and website, how she narrowed in on the parts she loved doing the most, and how she pivoted from running it on the side to going full time with it.
Question Highlights:
- Tell me all about BigKidProblems
- Why did you stay so long at a temporary job?
- What did you focus on to grow BigKidProblems?
- What would you say for someone who is working from home and needs to feel organized?
- How do you network when you’re not comfortable with it?
- What do you see people doing wrong on social media?
Guest Bio:
Sarah Merrill is the comedy writer and creator of “BigKidProblems,” a wildly popular Instagram account turned Blog and Podcast all about the daily struggles of growing up and navigating through the adult world. From tiny apartments to living on tinier paychecks and (ugh) the dating, Sarah uses a mixture of wry wit, pop culture references, and relatable experience to connect to and help her half-million followers navigate through the ups and downs of contemporary adulting. Whether you are twenty-two or sixty-two, there is no use in fighting it; we all have Big Kid Problems.
Through her social media fame, Sarah has appeared three times on the Emmy Award-winning Steve Harvey Show and spoken at various conferences and Universities about growing a business through Social Media. A collection of her original jokes were published by Andrews McMeel in 2020.