629. Winging It is Better Than Planning – With Emma Isaacs

Emma Isaacs has quickly become one of my favorite people on the entire planet — no exaggeration — and she has profoundly changed my life in a very short time. She is one of the most generous people I’ve ever met, and her new book, “Winging It,” has given me one of the greatest gifts that a person can receive: a fire under your ass and the motivation to take decisive action.


Question Highlights:

  • Can you tell me about starting in the entrepreneurial world so young?
  • What was your crash course in taking over a company?
  • How did you create your model for leadership? Did it come naturally to you?
  • Where did the idea for “Winging It” come from?
  • How did you set up your plan for growth?
  • What is your definition of Winging It?
  • Where in your life are you currently winging it?
  • What is your advice for creating a product by leveraging what you already have?
  • Who is the ideal reader for your book?


Guest Bio:

Emma Isaacs is the Founder and Global CEO of Business Chicks. A business owner by the age of 18, property investor by 19, and self-made millionaire by 23, Emma Isaacs has entrepreneurship and achievement in her DNA. As the founder of Business Chicks—a thriving global community that operates on two continents in eleven cities – her team produces more than 100 events annually, with past speakers including Sir Richard Branson, Sarah Jessica Parker, Brené Brown, Diane von Furstenberg, and Kate Hudson, among others – and as a committed philanthropist has now raised more than $13million for various non-profits.

Emma is also the author of the bestselling book Winging It (released September 2020). It's endorsed by Seth Godin, Mark Manson, Elizabeth Gilbert, Arianna Huffington and many more and builds a beautiful case for going after your dreams without having a perfect roadmap to get you there.

Emma is a mom to six kids (aged 11 through to four months) and recently live-streamed the homebirth of her sixth child from her living room with tens of thousands of viewers tuning in to watch his peaceful arrival. She doesn’t believe in work/life balance, preferring to advocate for a full life where people are in constant evaluation of what they truly want from it. A fearless leader with seemingly never-ending courage to spare, Emma inspires thousands with her boundless energy and ability to see possibility wherever she goes.