We all need support in our lives, here's how to find it!
We all need support in our life, but how do we get the best support possible? Well, it all starts with YOU! You need to see if you are really taking the action to find the people, community, and support staff to help you. You need to actively seek out support whether it is a workout class, a meet up for like minded individuals, a specific individual to be your accountability partner, or even your family.
You need to support yourself by getting clear with the type of support you need and how you can best be supported. Meaning do you need friends to check in on you, or do you need to be able to bounce ideas off of someone? Do you need daily phone calls, or just a weekly email? What does YOUR individual support plan look like that best works for you?
And as promised in the video, our next 60 Day Body and Soul Challenge starts September 1st!