1070. How And What We Invest Our Money Into

Chris and I are constantly asked about our investment strategies, and today, we’re breaking each of our investments down by the level of risk associated with them! We encourage you to invest in yourself and your business before anything else, as it’s the least risky and most crucial investment you can make. From there, we dive into how we approach low-fee index funds for long-term retirement goals, individual stocks, and real estate investments for passive income. We also touch on the potential gains and losses of Web3 investments and exotic opportunities such as cryptocurrency and start-ups. 


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Episode Timeline & Discussion Questions

(0:22) Welcome back to another He Said She Said episode of Earn Your Happy. 

(2:38) Chris and Lori share what their personal investments are.

(7:08) Chris unpacks foundational investments that you can set aside for your future.

(9:04) Chris explains how to invest in individual stocks.

(10:57) Chris and Lori highlight their real estate funds.

(13:01) Chris discusses various passive income funds and where to find those investments.

(14:53) Chris discusses Web3 investments and exotic opportunities.

(17:06) Chris and Lori talk about investing in start-ups and how to get in rooms with high-profile people.