Katerina Schneider is the founder and CEO of Ritual, a personal health brand bringing a new level of transparency to the health and wellness industry. In her mission to establish Ritual as the most trusted destination for vitamins and supplements, she’s transformed what it means to be a female founder.
In our conversation, she describes how she’s refining her purpose as a CEO, ways that she prioritizes herself daily, and her non-conventional hiring method. Plus, she shares amazing advice for female founders who don’t know where to get started with raising capital and how to pitch your company with confidence.
Follow Katerina: @katandkale
Follow Ritual: @ritual
Shop Ritual: ritual.com
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Listen to Girlfriends & Business
(0:35) Welcome back to Earn Your Happy. Today, Lori is joined by Katerina Schneider, the founder and CEO of Ritual.
(5:54)) Lori asks Katerina, “What’s the startup story around Ritual?”
(7:14) Lori asks Katerina, “What did you see growing up?”
(8:36) Lori asks Katerina, “When did the idea of Ritual come to you?”
(11:28) Lori asks Katerina, “What did that look like to launch your business?”
(12:36) Lori asks Katerina, “How did you feel at that moment to be told you could start a family or start a business?”
(14:09) Lori asks Katerina, “When you pitched the idea, how did you keep it close to your heart and follow your intuition?”
(18:33) Lori asks Katerina, “Can you tell me about how you felt about raising money beforehand, how you decided what route to go?”
(21:06) Lori asks Katerina, “Were there some major things that you had to change right away when you raised capital?”
(24:07) Lori asks Katerina, “What were some of those first year goals? Also, were you thinking big from the beginning?”
(27:01) Lori asks Katerina, “When you were getting started, did you know that you always wanted to stay the CEO?”
(29:00) Lori asks Katerina, “What made you know that you wanted to be the CEO?”
(33:15) Lori asks Katerina, “Did you have somebody help you with hiring in the beginning?”
(34:28) Lori asks Katerina, “What’s your typical first message on LinkedIn?”
(36:48) Lori asks Katerina, “What are you looking for when you’re hiring?”
(39:47) Lori asks Katerina, “What is something that you’re working on or working towards to get better at?”
(41:46) Lori asks Katerina, “How do you perceive challenges?”
(45:14) Lori asks Katerina, “How do you support yourself around stress?”
(51:29) Lori asks Katerina, “What is a thought or something in your heart that you just want to leave with all the listeners?”
(53:05) Lori asks Katerina, “Where can listeners get Ritual products?”