1033. The Biggest Lessons We’ve Learned In Business With Kelly Kussman

My friend Kelly Kussman is back on the show to chat about the things we wish we knew when we first started out in business, especially when it comes to relationships. She has amazing tips for how to deal with gossip and react with integrity when you’re faced with an emotionally charged situation. Kelly also expands on what it was like to do a major rebrand and overcome the fears that were holding her back from executing on her vision. 


Follow Kelly: @kelly_ward_kussman 

Follow Cayla Gray:@caylagrayco 

Shop Cayla Gray: caylagray.com



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(0:27) Welcome back to Earn Your Happy. Today, Lori is joined by Kelly Kussman. 

(1:46) Lori asks Kelly, “Can you tell us just a little bit about your brand?”

(5:30) Lori asks Kelly, “Can you tell me about when you knew you needed to rebrand? And were you worried that people were going to be upset about it? Were you worried that people were not going to understand the direction?”

(7:26) Lori asks Kelly, “Did you get any opinions at all?”

(9:36) Lori asks Kelly, “What is your relationship like with your gut right now? And how are you constantly trying to tweak it and listen in?”

(12:19) Lori asks Kelly, “When something doesn’t feel authentic, what are some of your signs?”

(16:11) Lori asks Kelly, “Tell me a little bit about why mentors, especially when it comes to contracts and directions, are important to these business lessons.”

(17:39) Lori asks Kelly, “Where did you find some of your mentors?”

(21:01) Lori asks Kelly, “How do you process emotions when someone close to you judges your character or who you are as a business owner?”

(23:51) Lori asks Kelly, “Can you tell us your rule about responding?”

(26:50) Lori asks Kelly, “Let’s talk about the gossip cycle and how to respond.”

(34:39) Lori asks Kelly, “How do we really learn to manage business relationships that feel out of alignment?”

(44:03) Lori asks Kelly, “Where can people find you online and shop Cayla Gray?”