I can really trick myself into being okay with being cozy and in a rut. It’s so easy to let your work blend into your entire day and give up some of your boundaries. Sweatpants and working in bed? We’ve all been there. I’ve recently switched up my routine to get back some energy and excitement when it comes to work, so I wanted to share with you some simple ways to infuse more joy into your workday. I talk about discovering new places to work out of, setting up reward systems, and giving yourself parameters for when you’re online versus out enjoying life.
Connect with Lori
- Instagram: @loriharder
- Lite Pink: @drinklitepink
- Earn Your Happy: @earnyourhappy
- Girlfriends & Business: @girlfriendsandbusiness
- Listen to Girlfriends & Business
Episode Timeline & Discussion Questions
( 0:45 ) Welcome back to Earn Your Happy.
( 2:25 ) Lori reads a podcast review from a listener.
( 3:20 ) Lori talks about today’s sponsor, Little Passports.
( 5:05 ) Lori says, “Today, I want to chat with you guys about switching up your energy.”
( 6:28 ) Lori says, “I can really trick myself into being okay with being cozy in a rut.”
( 8:24 ) Lori says, “I think as an entrepreneur without that start and stop time.”
( 9:13 ) Lori shares how she treats herself with someone small everyday.
( 11:11 ) Lori summarizes the episode.