Failure Is Part Of The Process

Embrace it, and then move on!

If you’re anything like me, you know you’ve been put here on this planet to do big things, but takes a whole lot of self-love. And yes, that also includes loving yourself when you fall flat on your face. It’s tough, I know, to not criticize yourself after you’ve made a complete fool of yourself, but I cannot stress enough the importance of loving yourself unconditionally through a bump in the road, just like you would a cherished loved one.

You wouldn’t tell your best friend or sister that all is lost because of x-y-z. Heck no! You would lift them up and shower them with encouraging words, right? Next time you fail at something, practice and ensure that you’re using positive and helpful words and sentences. How can you remind yourself of how amazing you are? After all it’s not about the actual failure, it’s about how quickly you come back from it.

In fact, failing is probably one of the most vital things you can do because you’re literally going through a process of elimination to clear the exact path that you’re meant to take. Use it to step into the person you truly are.

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