Anxiety During the Holidays

Ever Have Holiday Anxiety?

When you are thinking about the holidays, how are you feeling? Excited…or maybe a panic attack?

There’s usually a lot of family time, different foods you may not be used to, and you’re usually out of your normal routine. Breath…It’s going to be ok.

What happens when others are unsupportive of your goals and you have to spend time with them?

Remember to meet people where they are at in their lives. Keep in mind, they may not be where they want to be, and may actually be unhappy. Give them the space to say what they will say…and then let it go. It is not a reflection of you, it’s just a reflection of how THEY feel.

If family or friends ridicule you, or poke fun of you for your choices, simply tell them “This makes me happy, it’s ok if you don’t want to do it, or agree with me.” Just let it roll off your back. Show that you truly are a happy person and they will start to realize that it’s ok.

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