905. But What If Your Biggest Fears Actually Happen?

Fear is the number one reason why people don’t take the first step to pursue their calling. For some, it’s fear of failure or being judged, and for others, it looks like perfectionism or imposter syndrome. The list could go on forever, but the truth is, the things that you think are going to break you are the same things that are going to make you. Challenges come up to test our strength and dedication to our dream, and what you do in those moments reveal you who you really are. There’s so much knowledge, joy, and success on the other side of those hard times, but are you willing to put in the work to make it there? I share how I handled a couple of mindset challenges that came at me this week and ways to reframe your perspective about hardship and pain. 


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Episode Timeline & Discussion Questions

( 0:24 ) Welcome back to Earn Your Happy.

( 0:41 ) Lori shouts out a recent Apple Podcasts review. 

( 1:53 ) Today’s topic is about confronting the fear that is stopping you from pursuing your calling. 

( 3:10 ) Lori says, “The things that you think are going to break you if they happen are the things that are going to make you.”

( 5:41 ) Lori says, “You can pretend to be swimming outside of the lap pool all that you want, but until you dive in headfirst, you’re never going to understand it.”

( 7:56 ) Lori says, “The hard stuff is where I learned the most. This is where I really get to become the woman, the person that I came here to be. You will notice that exponentially, your level of happiness and accomplishment and pride in yourself will rise.”

( 9:54 ) Lori says, “​​The fastest way to feel better is to make someone else feel better.”

( 11:27 ) Lori says, “Maybe life is just trying to offer you the lessons to get better and better, faster and faster, because that is the trajectory that you are on.”

( 12:37 ) Lori asks listeners to leave a 5-star review and let her know what they got out of this episode or what has inspired them on the podcast.