Time for another Q&A Day with me and Evans! Listen in as we answer questions that you have sent in, and hear our favorite quotes of the moment! In today’s “questionably awesome” episode, Evans and I are talking about joy. Happy holidays! And don’t worry if you’re a little out of routine – we're gonna get back to our normal feelings and pant sizes soon.
Review of the Week:
KarlBird18 ★★★★★ “
The Earn Your Happy podcast is the fuel for my fire and never fails to bring a spark of joy into my life (a big spark!). Every Wednesday morning, Lori and Evans join me for my morning workout, motivating me to keep working on my dreams in their fun and silly ways. On more than one occasion, people stop to ask me why I’m smiling and giggling so much during my workout and I love to recommend the podcast to them. My friends and I have inside jokes inspired by Lori and Evan’s witty conversations (Jugernut ?) and I feel like we’re all one big tribe cheering on each other’s dreams and celebrating our authenticity. Whenever I’m feeling anxious or down on myself, I’ll re-visit Lori’s quickies for an instant dose of motivation or the Questionably Awesome episodes to remind me that life is meant to be enjoyed! I have it on my vision board to one day meet Lori and Evans and to attend the Bliss Project! Thank you both for shining and sharing your irreplaceable awesomeness!
Chelsey Bird
Question 1:
What do you do when you feel like nothing is joyful?
Question 2:
How do you help people find joy within themselves and stop relying on you for their joy?