909. How To Get The Attention Of Anyone You Want

One of the most common questions that I get from listeners who are trying to build their platform is how to become valuable enough so that people with more influence actually want to return the favor or collaborate. I’m not going to lie, it requires you going the extra mile and finding creative ways to stand out from the crowd, but I promise that the time and energy you put in will pay off. There are three main things that people want when they’re looking for an equal energy exchange, and in today’s episode, I break down what those are, plus a couple of bonus ones. I also share my top tips for how to approach communication with people you want to collab with and some of my personal experiences with getting on someone’s radar. 


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Episode Timeline & Discussion Questions

( 0:47 ) Welcome back to Earn Your Happy.

( 1:14 ) Lori reads a podcast review from a listener. 

( 2:01 ) Lori says, “Today I want to talk about how to become valuable enough to people that they actually want to return the favor or collab.” 

( 3:29 ) Lori talks about her experience trying to get into a group of authors, but she didn’t have a lot of value to add to the collective at that time. 

( 5:58 ) Lori says the number one thing that people want is more eyes on their product, on their business, at their events, or listening to their podcasts. 

( 7:00 ) Lori shouts out today’s sponsor, Little Passports. 

( 8:37 ) The second thing that people want is money. 

( 10:28 ) The third thing is connections. 

( 12:26 ) Lori says, “Please never expect anything in return for offering value to someone unless truly you come with that exact ask and expectation.”

( 14:57 ) Lori asks listeners to share their biggest takeaway with her and post a review on Apple Podcasts.