We’ve been getting alot of DMs about how we keep track of and organize our ideas, plans, and projects. Lauren and I are diving in on the tech systems that we use, how we prioritize tasks, and why we keep things as simple and user-friendly as possible. It might surprise people to hear that we rely on Google Drive for just about everything, but Lauren is a master at building out progress trackers and dashboards that keep everyone dialed in on what they need to be doing. She also is great at keeping tabs on bigger-picture items. I share how I personally organize the notes section on my phone, and why it’s so important to sit with your ideas for a little bit instead of sharing every single thought with your team. We also highlight why it’s so important to niche down and start with a very focused vision, even when you have big dreams for your company.
Connect with Lori
- Instagram: @loriharder
- Lite Pink: @drinklitepink
- Earn Your Happy: @earnyourhappy
- Girlfriends & Business: @girlfriendsandbusiness
- Listen to Girlfriends & Business
Connect with Lauren
- Follow Lauren: @thelivelylo
Episode Timeline & Discussion Questions
( 0:27 ) Welcome back to another episode of the Earn Your Happy BTS of Building A Business series.
( 1:27 ) Lori asks Lauren, “Do you feel like it was better to not know all of the challenges? And how do you feel about the challenges now?”
( 3:56 ) Lori says, “We got asked the question about how we really keep track of and organize our ideas, plans, marketing, what tech systems we use, and what workflows we use.”
( 7:45 ) Lori introduces the idea of the tree of life for allies and potential business connections.
( 11:34 ) Lori asks Lauren, “I would love to hear when it comes to ideas, plans and marketing, how you take that, but then also manage everything that you’re doing as well?”
( 18:42 ) Lori asks Lauren, “I do know that sometimes Asana is really great for so many people, we do use it for some projects, correct?”
( 20:24 ) Lori talks about how she knows if her ideas should be prioritized now or tabled for later.
( 26:00 ) Lori asks Lauren about her thoughts on allocating energy to certain projects and details.
( 28:45 ) Lori asks Lauren, “Lauren, any last thoughts before we go?”